En este post les mostraremos 60 ejemplos de oraciones que llevan los verbos en inglés cam y can´t.

"Can" (Puede):

Usamos "can" para expresar la habilidad de hacer algo.
Por ejemplo, "I can swim" significa que soy capaz de nadar.
"Can't" (No Puede o No Puedo):

"Can't" es la forma negativa de "can."

Usamos "can't" cuando no somos capaces de hacer algo.
Por ejemplo, "I can't fly" significa que no puedo volar porque los humanos no pueden volar como los pájaros.
Interrogaciones con "Can" (Pregunta si se puede hacer algo):

Usamos "can" al comienzo de una pregunta para preguntar si alguien tiene la habilidad de hacer algo.
Por ejemplo, "Can you swim?" es una pregunta para saber si alguien puede nadar.
Interrogaciones con "Can't" (Pregunta si no se puede hacer algo):

Usamos "can't" al comienzo de una pregunta para preguntar si alguien no tiene la habilidad de hacer algo.

Por ejemplo, "Can't she come to the party?" es una pregunta para saber si alguien no puede asistir a la fiesta.


  1. I can't believe how fast time flies.
  2. She can't eat spicy food; it upsets her stomach.
  3. They can't attend the event due to a prior commitment.
  4. He can't swim, so he stays in the shallow end of the pool.
  5. We can't make any more noise; the baby is sleeping.
  6. I can't find my keys anywhere; they seem to have disappeared.
  7. She can't stand people who are always late.
  8. He can't resist the temptation of chocolate.
  9. They can't afford to buy a new car right now.
  10. I can't go to the party because I have to work late.
  11. She can't tolerate the cold weather, so she moved to a warmer climate.
  12. He can't make it to the game because he's feeling unwell.
  13. We can't find a solution to this problem.
  14. She can't keep a secret; she always tells everyone.
  15. I can't hear you; the music is too loud.
  16. They can't believe how quickly their children are growing up.
  17. We can't leave for the trip until everyone is ready.
  18. He can't sleep at night because of his noisy neighbors.
  19. I can't access the website; it must be down.
  20. She can't resist buying new shoes every time she goes shopping.
  21. They can't come to the party because they have a family event.
  22. He can't understand the instructions; they're too confusing.
  23. She can't run as fast as her brother.
  24. I can't reach the top shelf; it's too high.
  25. They can't make decisions without consulting their manager.
  26. He can't stop watching his favorite TV show.
  27. I can't do my homework without a pen.
  28. She can't handle spicy food; it's too hot for her.
  29. They can't complete the puzzle without all the pieces.
  30. He can't resist the urge to check his phone constantly.
  31.  I can't believe it's already Monday.
  32. She can't eat spicy food because it upsets her stomach.
  33. They can't attend the meeting tomorrow due to a prior commitment.
  34. I can't find my keys anywhere; they seem to have disappeared.
  35. He can't swim, so he stays in the shallow end of the pool.
  36. Can't you see I'm busy right now?
  37. We can't go to the concert because the tickets are sold out.
  38. She can't tolerate people who are always late.
  39. I can't understand this math problem; it's too complicated.
  40. They can't decide which movie to watch tonight.
  41. He can't resist the temptation of chocolate.
  42. We can't afford to buy a new car at the moment.
  43. She can't stand the cold weather, so she moved to a warmer climate.
  44. I can't go to the party because I have to work late.
  45. They can't get a reservation at the restaurant; it's fully booked.
  46. Can't you see the sign that says "No Smoking"?
  47. He can't make it to the game because he's feeling unwell.
  48. We can't find a babysitter for Friday night.
  49. She can't play the guitar, but she's learning.
  50. I can't hear you; the music is too loud.
  51. They can't believe how quickly their children are growing up.
  52. He can't lift that heavy box by himself.
  53. She can't keep a secret; she always tells everyone.
  54. I can't reach the top shelf; it's too high.
  55. They can't come to the party because they have a family event.
  56. We can't leave for the trip until everyone is ready.
  57. He can't sleep at night because of his noisy neighbors.
  58. I can't access the website; it must be down.
  59. She can't resist buying shoes every time she goes shopping.
  60. They can't find their way home; they got lost in the maze.

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